• Sweater Season: Work Rows, Not Lengths

    Sweater Season: Work Rows, Not Lengths

    [Sloane's Warren pullover, from our upcoming Deep Winter 2021 Collection] Okay, we admit it: we're both die-hard sweater knitters, and we think pretty much any time of the year is sweater season. But, both of us have a penchant for starting new projects in this after-holiday time, as a moment to reflect and start to focus on something a little longer-term after our frenzied...
  • Free Patterns: A Little Bright Spot in These Crazy Days

    Free Patterns: A Little Bright Spot in These Crazy Days

    Hi everyone!  Wow, the last few weeks have been a crazy ride, and it looks like there is no end in sight. We've battened down the hatches at both HQ East and West, as both Sloane and I live in places heavily hit by the virus. Both our families and loved ones are doing well, despite being a bit stir crazy, but we are...
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