Glossary of Terms

Not sure what abbreviations in our knit patterns mean? Check out our handy abbreviation table below to help answer your questions. Abbreviations are ordered alphabetically.




1/1 LC  (1/1 Left Cross): Slip next stitch onto cable needle and hold at front of work; k1, then k1 from cable needle.
1/1 RC (1/1 Right Cross): Slip next stitch onto cable needle and hold at back of work; k1, then k1 from cable needle.
1/1 LPC  (1/1 Left Purl Cross): Slip next stitch onto cable needle and hold at front of work; p1, then k1 from cable needle.
1/1 RPC (1/1 Right Purl Cross): Slip next stitch onto cable needle and hold at back of work; k1, then p1 from cable needle.
2/1 LC (2/1 Left Cross): Slip next 2 stitches onto cable needle and hold at front of work; k1, then k2 from cable needle.
2/1 RC (2/1 Right Cross): Slip next stitch onto cable needle and hold at back of work; k2, then k1 from cable needle.
2/1 LPC (2/1 Left Purl Cross): Slip next 2 stitches onto cable needle and hold at front of work; k1, then p2 from cable needle.
2/1 RPC (2/1 Reft Purl Cross): Slip next stitch onto cable needle and hold at back of work; k2, then p1 from cable needle.
2/2 LC
(2/2 Left Cross): Slip next 2 stitches onto cable needle and hold at front of work; k2, then k2 from cable needle.
2/2 RC 
(2/2 Right Cross): Slip next 2 stitches onto cable needle and hold at back of work; k2, then k2 from cable needle.
2/2 LPC (2/2 Left Purl Cross): Slip next 2 stitches onto cable needle and hold at front of work; p2, then k2 from cable needle.
2/2 RPC (2/2 Right Purl Cross): Slip next 2 stitches onto cable needle and hold at back of work; k2, then p2 from cable needle.
2/1/2 RPC (2/1/2 Right Purl Cross): Slip 3 stitches to cable needle and hold at back of work, k2, then (p1, k2) from cable needle.
4/4 LC  (4/4 Left Cross): Slip next 4 stitches onto cable needle and hold at back of work; k4, then k4 from cable needle.
4/4 RC 
(4/4 RightCross): Slip next 4 stitches onto cable needle and hold at front of work; k4, then k4 from cable needle.
alt alternate(ing)
approx approximately
beg beginning
BLCO-L Backwards Loop Cast On - Left Leaning
BLCO-R Backwards Loop Cast On - Right Leaning




Slip 2 stitches together knitwise, knit the next stitch then pass the two slipped stitches together over the knit stitch — 2 sts dec’d.
CL K2tog. Keep stitches on left-hand needle. P2tog into the same stiches. Slip off left-hand needle
cm centimeter(s)
cn cable needle
CO cast-on
cont continue(ity)
dec decrease(ing)
dtr double treble
g gram(s)
inc increase 1 stitch by knitting into front and back of next stitch
K knit
K1b knit into the stitch 1 row below
K1tbl Knit next stitch through back of loop
K2tog knit 2 stitches together–1 st dec'd.
K2togtbl knit 2 stitches together through back loops–1 st dec'd.
K3(4,n)tog knit next 3 (4, x)stitches together–2 (3, x) sts dec'd.
kfb Increase 1 stitch by knitting into front and back of next stitch. 
LLI  (Ieft lifted increase) - k1, then using your left hand needle, pick up the “left leg” of the stitch below the stitch just worked and place on the left hand needle. Knit it through the front loop (insert needle from right to left) — 1 st inc’d.
LLPI (left lifted purl increase) - p1, then using your left hand needle, pick up the “left leg” of the stitch below the stitch just worked and place on the left hand needle. Purl into the picked up leg — 1 st inc’d.
m marker
M1 Make 1 stitch by picking up horizontal loop lying before next stitch and knitting into back of loop.
M1R Make 1 stitch by picking up horizontal bar between next st with left-hand needle from the back and knit–1 st inc'd.
M1L Make 1 stitch by picking up horizontal bar between next st with left-hand needle from the front and knit through the back loop - 1 st inc'd.
M1P Make 1 stitch by picking up horizontal bar between next stitch and purling into back of loop–1 st inc'd.
Make 1 stitch by picking up horizontal bar between next st with left-hand needle from the front and purl through the back loop — 1 st inc’d.
Make 1 stitch by picking up horizontal bar between next st with left-hand needle from the back and purl through the front loop — 1 st inc’d.
MB Make bobble: [(K1. yfwd) 3 times. K1] all in next st. Turn. P7. Turn. Sl1. K1. psso. K3. K2tog. Turn. P2tog. P1. P2togtbl. Turn. Sl1. K2tog. psso–1 bobble made.
mm millimeter(s)
oz ounce(s)
p purl
P2tog purl two stitches together–1 st dec'd.
P3(4,n)tog purl next 3 (4, x) stitches together–2 (3, x) sts dec'd.
P2togtbl purl 2 stitches together through back loops–1 st dec'd.
patt pattern
pm place marker
psso pass slipped stitch over–1 st dec'd.
rem remain(ing)
rep repeat
RLI  (right lifted increase) - Using your right hand needle, pick up the “right leg” of the knit stitch one row below the first stitch on your left hand needle and place on the left hand needle. Knit into the picked up leg, then k1 — 1 st inc’d.
RLPI (right lifted purl increase - Using your right hand needle, pick up the “right leg” of the girl stitch one row below the first stitch on your left hand needle and place on the left hand needle. Purl the stitch and slip it off the needle, then p1 — 1 st inc’d.
rnd(s) round(s)
RS right side
Sl st Slip stitch
Sl1 Slip next stitch knitwise
Sl1P Slip next stitch purlwise
sl1wyib Slip next stitch purlwise with yarn in back of work.
sl1wyif Slip next stitch purlwise with yarn in front of work.
sm slip marker
Slip next 2 stitches knitwise one at a time. Pass them back onto left-hand needle, then purl through back loops together–1 st dec'd.
ssk Slip next 2 stitches knitwise one at a time. Pass them back onto left-hand needle, then knit through back loops together–1 st dec'd.
sssk  Slip next 3 stitches knitwise, one at a time. Pass tem back onto the left-hand needle, then knit through back loops together–2 sts dec'd.
St st stockinette stitch
st(s) stitch(es)
tog together

wrap + turn: 1. Work in patt to turning point; insert the right needle tip purlwise into next stitch on left hand needle and slip it to the right needle. 2. Bring working yarn to front. 3. Slip the wrapped stitch back to the left needle. 4. Turn the work and work the next row.

WS wrong side
yb bring yarn into back of work
yf bring yarn into front of work
yo yarn over the needle (makes 1 extra stitch)
yon yarn over needle (same as yo - makes 1 extra stitch)
yrn yarn round needle (makes 1 extra stitch)
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