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Our Story

Hudson + West Co. is a yarn company dedicated to bringing innovative American-produced yarns to the handknitting market, paired with modern and wearable designs that highlight those yarns’ best qualities.

Designer-driven and knitter-focused, Hudson + West Co. is about making fine yarns that you’ll want to return to over and over. We create yarns that support the ready-to-wear inspired garments and accessories that form the core of the modern knitter’s wardrobe. And we produce our yarns in the U.S., using a traceable, sustainable, and fair supply chain.

Hudson + West Co. was founded in 2019 by Meghan Babin, the former editor of Interweave Knits, and Sloane Rosenthal, a knitwear designer (and recovering litigator). Our name evokes our disparate locations: Meghan hails from New York’s Hudson River Valley, while Sloane (a D.C. metro kid) calls Boulder, Colorado home now. We’re both obsessed with ruggedly handsome yarns, practical design, and thoughtful, well-made goods. We’re serious students of yarn construction and knitwear design, and passionate about details. We’re also both lovers of the outdoors, and of the rugged, starkly beautiful landscapes of the American west that inspired and indeed, birthed, our first two yarns — Forge + Weld.

Forge and Weld are made from a beautifully heathered blend of Corriedale and domestically-sourced Merino fleece from the mountains of Colorado and New Mexico. Spun, dyed, and processed with care by our friends at Mountain Meadow Wool in Buffalo, Wyoming, our core yarns remain the heart and soul of our brand, which we’ve grown into an 100+ original design catalog, countless projects, and a community of enthusiastic H+W lovers.

In April 2023 we welcomed our newest addition to the H+W family, Spark, a 72% kid mohair/28% silk blend, lace weight, tonal yarn hand dyed in Boulder, Colorado by our fearless co-founder, Sloane Rosenthal. Made with pairing in mind, Spark is dyed in complementary colors to our core color palette to match or mix for stunningly soft, shining, and, of course, fuzzy results.

From its “note-on-a-napkin-at-Rhinebeck” inception to now, Hudson + West Co. has been a story of friendship and shared passions, resulting in a thrilling and always deeply ridiculous journey full of laughter, angst, caffeine, and love. Along the way, we’ve taken the best of our combined vision, skills, talents and output of some of the best farms, mills, and dyers in America to create yarns that we truly love, and are so excited to share with you. We can’t wait for the next steps in this journey, and we hope you’ll come along for the ride.

With love,
Meghan + Sloane

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