WIP Wednesday: Meghan's Kuffel Update (Social Distancing, Day ???)

Kuffel by Alexis Winslow

Turns out I've been preparing for social distancing my entire life. I'm an introvert with extrovert capabilities, but staying home for weeks with my knitting, Netflix, and a list of podcasts hasn't been unmanageable...so far. My new WIP, Kuffel by Alexis Winslow, is growing exponentially after my first week of doing little else but knit.

Truth be told, I had an entirely different post written just a few days ago, but I've made so much progress between now and then that I had to update from a mere yoke update to a finished body post! 

My WIP Kuffel

First, and most importantly, I've been listening to Binge Mode: Harry Potter and now I'm re-listening to the entire Harry Potter series on Audible while I work on my WIP Kuffel. I've found that turning off the news and social media and delighting in my favorite book series of all time is exactly what I need right now. What are you listening to/reading right now while knitting? 

Modification Updates

The biggest modifications I've made so far are to the neckband and hem of my pullover.

Although it's absolutely fine to start Kuffel with the tubular cast on and work from the neck ribbing down. I know that I need an extra bit of stability in my neckbands to keep them from stretching out over time.

Neckband ribbing in progress after picking up stitches.

Using the largest needle, the long-tail cast on, I cast-on the amount of stitches needed after the tubular cast on is worked (for me that was 144 sts). After casting-on, I started working the instructions for the yoke just after the neck ribbing.

Let me tell you, the neck opening looked HUGE, so don't be alarmed if you're attempting the same technique. After I went back with my ribbing needle, picked up 144 sts, worked the 1x1 ribbing, and used the tubular bind off to finish the collar, it now measures exactly what the the schematics indicate for the 58" [147 cm] finished chest. Woohoo! 

Finished neckband using the tubular bind off!

For the hemline, I decided early on I'd like to make this a high/low hemline situation. Although I usually go for long sweaters with cowl necks, I also like a wide crew neck with a hemline that works well for my body. This usually means modifications as my "natural waistline" is the widest part of my body. It's really not my favorite look to have a sweater end smack on my widest asset, so going through some simple modifications to make a great design work for me is totally worth it! 

Back of my WIP Kuffel with short rows at the hem! 

After finishing the final colorwork repeat, I worked in my MC for 3" [7.5 cm], then using German Short Rows, I added 9 sets of short rows to the lower body of the sweater before I started working the ribbing. It added 3" [7.5 cm] to the back of my sweater and created a lovely swoop to the sides and back! I think it looks pretty great with the yoke short-rows, adding to the visual effect of spacing on the back verses the front. 

So far, I'm incredibly pleased with my Kuffel WIP, including my color choices. It's the first time I've had the opportunity to work with Forge in Charcoal, and let me be the first to say it's SO SOFT. The blend of the black merino and gray Corriedale has unified into a magically soft, very wearable color. I recommend getting your hands on this color for a super soft and snuggly sweater. 

Until next time, I'll be working on my sleeves and blocking this baby! Stay tuned for a FO next week!

Stay healthy and happy out there, friends. ❤️



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